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Civil engineering

Our formwork methods

Coffrages Gaillard takes part to any civil engineering constructions through the fabrication of moulds with specific architecture.

We form very specific pieces to allow unique concrete constructions to emerge. Our design office is equipped with a design software, so we can study your construction plans to offer you formworks, which would be adapted to your situation.

To produce the formworks, we use several analyse processes, such as DGW or 3D drawings, technical exchanges with the ordering institution, or a deep analyse of the construction constraints. The first data are collected by our design office, which will prepare a formwork plan. Then, when it is needed, the person in charge of the workshop will approve the pouring process and the technical and physical data (concrete pressure, materials) before that our technician will give you its estimated cost.

When the conception is launched, the experience of our team is a guarantee for the quality of the formwork, but also for the data and the delays respect.

We control the production and the delivery times, especially with the two vehicles we own to ensure transports.

Our projects

Our co-workers got their experience through several productions of specific moulds with huge technical constraints.

We can conceive wood formworks or formworks with a wood/metal combination for urban infrastructures (bridge, aqueduct), transportation infrastructures (bridge deck, harbour), building construction (skyscrapers, housing) or hydraulic construction (dam, pier…).

Thanks to our know-how we can conceive formworks for balconies, cornices, balustrades, but also formworks to build some elements in the public sites (elevator shaft, stadium stands, poles, bridge deck…).

Production of moulds with a specific architecture

Our company is very proud of its participation to the construction of the Bournezeau Viaduct. We actively took part of the project by producing the formworks for the bridge piles.

This construction site was handled by an important ordering institution, and we succeeded in meeting their expectations, for the production as well as for the delays. This is the second biggest road construction site of Vendée, and a real success for the department. The Viaduct was inaugurated on December 2nd 2017.

Un autre chantier a particulièrement fait notre fierté, c’est le tablier de pont du viaduc du Dol de Bretagne. Lors de la prise de contact entre la société exécutrice et notre BE, nous avions une demande précise mais des doutes persistaient sur la mise en œuvre sur chantier. Après plusieurs échanges techniques et une réflexion collective sur ce dossier, nos compagnons ont apporté de véritables solutions au client pour ce dossier. Nous avons proposé un moule de tablier de pont en mixte bois-métal permettant un gain de budget pour notre client et une assurance de qualité lors du réemploi avec une peau coffrante métal. Le client a été séduit par ce système de coulage et nous a suivis en ce sens. Après une prise de contact quelques semaines plus tard, notre client nous confie avoir coulé plusieurs partie du tablier de pont sans problème particulier et retient cette alternative pour de futurs besoins.

Coffrages piles de pont

Escalier balancé en béton

Civil engineering, bridge pile

Escalier balancé en béton

Bridge pile - Viaduc de Bournezeau - Vendée

Escalier balancé en béton

Bridge pile - Viaduc de Bournezeau - Vendée

Escalier balancé en béton

Bridge pile - Viaduc de Bournezeau - Vendée

Escalier balancé en béton

Civil engineering, bridge pile

Escalier balancé en béton

Civil engineering, bridge pile

Escalier balancé en béton

Civil engineering, bridge pile

Escalier balancé en béton

Civil engineering, bridge pile

Escalier balancé en béton

Moule demi coquille pile de pont

Escalier balancé en béton

Demi-coquille pour pile de pont - Bournezeau
